Travel Photo Roulette #72 – Light
And the winner is…
We have had one heck of a time selecting a winner for this round of Travel Photo Roulette. Thank-you so much to everyone who participated, either by spreading the word, submitting a photo, or just swinging by to check out the contest!
We received fifteen truly wonderful entries that showcased beautiful examples of light – well done everyone and thanks again for participating!
After much debate, we have selected our winner – Congratulations Dan @ This World Rocks you are the newest winner of Travel Photo Roulette!
For Travis and I, Dan’s photograph of the Annual Sea Music Festival, in Busan, South Korea, really encapsulated the theme of light. The bright rays of light from the concert stage draw the eye into the picture, leaving the viewer wanting more, while the silhouetted figure lends a sense of urgency to the shot. We’ve all been in this situation before, rushing to meet friends, not wanting to miss one moment of the fun.
Great capture Dan – we can’t wait to see what you’ve got in store for Round #73!
I don’t win things. I know it sounds like a line, but honestly, I can’t recall the last time I won something. Lottery tickets, raffles, draws – I shouldn’t even buy a ticket. At my high school graduation we had a huge draw with more than enough prizes for everyone and I walked away empty handed (my date on the other hand won three prizes. Three!).
Perhaps this explains why I am so completely over-the-moon ecstatic to learn that we won Travel Photo Roulette #71! Perhaps my excitement also has to do with the many incredibly talented winners before me. Many travel bloggers and professional photographers that we read, follow, and admire have entered and won this competition in previous rounds, and we are so honored to host this next round of the competition.
Travel Photo Roulette is a competition started by Jeremy at Living the Dream way back in November 2010 as away for travel bloggers to connect and share their photos. Last week, Greg of Adventures of a Goodman hosted the 71st round of the competition with the theme “Ruin”.
If you missed it (or are just wildly curious) here is our winning entry. Thanks so much for choosing us Greg!

This picture is from the Beelitz Tuberculosis Hospital in Berlin
As the winner, it is now our turn to choose a theme and host the next round! And so it begins again – Travel Photo Roulette #72.
This week’s theme is – LIGHT
Light plays an interesting role in photography. While integral to the exposure process, light can add depth, emotion, and mood to a photograph and draw the eye. However light can also be tricky, creating shadows where they are unwanted and blowing out even the most dramatic of skies. This week, we want to see your best photograph that highlights the theme of light – be it natural or man made. Here are a few inspirational shots…
The Competition
The contest is pretty straightforward. The winner of the previous round chooses a new theme and hosts the competition on their blog, inviting others to share their photos over the course of a week. As the end of the week, the host selects a winner and the process repeats itself.
The Rules
1. One submission per blog please
2. Unfortunately you will need a personal blog or website to participate (in order to host should you win!)
3. Post processing, cropping, correcting for red eyes and other flaws is fine for this round
4. Abstract submissions are welcome. But if you want to win, it’s probably best that the judge understands your interpretation
5. Hosts should keep themes general so all bloggers can participate. Avoid specifics like ‘Eiffel Tower’; instead choose a more open theme, like ‘monuments’ or ‘monuments at night’
6. Abstract themes can be fun, as long as everyone can understand. ‘Overlooking creation’ is good, ‘Kafkaesque’ is not
7. No obscene photos or themes allowed. Suggestive themes and photography might be accepted, but be careful. Remember, the host is all-powerful
8. Themes may be reused after a period of time; however new photos must be submitted. Keep it fresh!
9. You do not have to take the photo within the week of the contest period to submit it
10. Most importantly: ALL PHOTOS MUST BE YOUR OWN.
11 . Spread the word about Travel Photo Roulette and use the hashtag #PhotoRoulette
12. Last, but not least: It’s a game, so have fun with it.
How to Enter
To enter the competition, simply leave a comment below with a link to your photo and it will be added into the post (or send us an email using the “Contact” tab above). A brief description of the picture is always welcome to provide some background and context. Also, please don’t forget to include your name, link to your blog, and any pertinent social media information so everyone can come see what you’re all about (and we can contact the winner!).
The contest will run until January 4th, 2014, after which time we will engage in a lengthy debate to select the winner – the results of which will be shared right in this very post.
Spread the Word
Tweet about this contest using the hashtag #PhotoRoulette and feel free to share this page with your friends on social media – the more the merrier! We love seeing your comments so please don’t feel bashful about sharing your thoughts and opinions.
The Entries
1. Zara @ Backpack ME
2. Tiffany @ World Meets Girl

In Tiffany’s words: The photo shows Bled, Slovenia on a very misty evening. The lit up castle gives off this crazy glow that makes it look like straight out of some neon fairytale
3. Daniël @ Globe-Trekking

In Daniel’s words: Waiting for the sun to set over the Old City of Jerusalem, I saw an Israeli soldier being ordered into different poses. I quietly moved behind the photo shoot, stuck on my telephoto lens and shot a couple of shots that caught the essence of the country of Israel, all into one shot
4. Suzanne Fluhr @ Boomeresque

In Suzanne’s words: This is the Na Pali coast in the northwest of the Hawaiian island of Kauai. We were initially unhappy that the sea cliffs were shrouded in clouds and mist — until they started to lift and the rainbow appeared—the essence of light
5. Bianca @ Nomadbiba

In Bianca’s words: I took this one during the pre-carnival celebrations that are held every year in Barranquilla, Colombia. Even before the big parties start, the city holds parades during the previous weeks to get everyone in carnival mood. This parade took place on an afternoon and as it got later the light was just beautiful, making all the colours more vivid
6. Elizabeth @ Travel Writer Rants and Raves

In Elizabeth’s words: My son is a harbor pilot for the Navy. When I visit him in Florida one of the happiest times for me is when he takes me to work with him. Here, a late afternoon job taking a ship out to sea turns into a beautiful photo opportunity. I thanked him for the “sunset cruise” aboard the tugboat!
7. Charli @ Wanderlusters

In Charli’s words: Our submission was captured during a visit to the Aoraki Dark Sky Reserve in New Zealand’s Mackensie Basin. One of very few places on earth where man made light does not pollute the view of the real night sky. From our perch atop Mount John we were able to see Venus setting on the horizon, the hazy Clouds of Magellan and the full extent of our beautiful Milky Way. It’s incredible to think that the light we captured with our camera had traveled vast distances through space over millions of years to reach us.
8. Tom @ Travel Past 50

In Tom’s words: We recently spent a week in Prague, and during that time had a total of about two hours that weren’t completely shrouded in winter gray. But the sun came out just briefly while I was walking around Prague castle and the St. Vitus cathedral, and we were treated to the wonderful prism effect of strong sun pouring through good stained glass. The effect is not what the stained glass artist had in mind, but it was perhaps even more impressive
9. Dan @ This World Rocks
- In Dan’s words: While in Busan, South Korea for the annual Sea Music Festival, we decided to watch one of the headlining beach concerts from a distance to get a full appreciation of Busan’s beach skyline. Right as the concert was starting, I noticed this guy hurrying up to the crowd of 10,000+, while receiving what I assumed to be directions on his phone. He must have been late coming from work, but I captured him arriving right as the house lights shined onto the crowd to begin the concert
10. Tony @ 20 Years Hence

In Tony’s words: I took this shot in Bhaktapur, Nepal on the last night of Diwali. Diwali is otherwise known as the festival of lights, and locals celebrate by lighting candles in their homes and at shrines. These three were having a lot of fun lighting hundreds of little tallow candles around a small shrine off a back street. The candles were small and only burned for a few minutes, so it was by pure chance that I caught this moment, as it was gone almost as quickly as it began.
11. Dan @ Our Oyster

In Dan’s words: Our submission was taken in Iceland at the famous Jökulsárlón. Being so late in the year the sun didn’t rise to high in the sky which gave me ample time to capture its light filling these glacier fragments scattered around the beach
12. Gianni @ Nomad is Beautiful

In Gianni’s words: This was taken before the sunrise in Assisi, Italy. I woke up early in the morning and climbed the steps up to the fortress on top of the hill. When I arrived, the city below me was completely covered by the fog. The warm artificial lights of the streets, the blue of the fog and finally the light of the sun behind the hills, everything was contributing to create an atmosphere like a fairy tale
13. Kate @ 30Traveler
14. Jeremy @ Living the Dream

In Jeremy’s words: My favorite light photo from our recent long-term trip comes from the Louvre in Paris, France. We were rushing back to our apartment and I just happened to turn around to catch the sun at the most perfect position in the sky
15. Go Click Travel

In the words of GoClickTravel: I’ve never been to a place that had better natural light than Burma. I visited in the hot season in May 2009 and everything looked so warm and wonderful in the light. Nowhere more so than here at Bagan at sunrise
Previous Winners
Finally, here are the past winners of the contest – as you can see it’s been running for a while! Click on the link to take you to some great travel blogs and wonderful themed photos.
1. Nov, 2010 – Living the Dream – “Animals” | 2. Nov, 2010 – Skinny Backpacker – “Road Signs” |
3. Nov, 2010 – Dream a Little Dream – “Street Art” | 4. Nov, 2010 – Flashpacker HQ – “Festival” |
5. Dec, 2010 – Over Yonderlust – “Landmarks” | 6. Jan, 2011 – Don’t Ever Look Back – “Beaches” |
7. Jan, 2011 – ThePlanetD – “Portraits” | 8. Jan, 2011 – Travel with a Mate – “Motion” |
9. Feb, 2011 – Johnny Vagabond – “Water” | 10. Feb, 2011 – Ken Kaminesky – “Urban” |
11. Feb, 2011 – Travels of Adam – “Friday Night” | 12. Mar, 2011 – Itchy Feet Chronicles – “The Journey” |
13. Mar – Brendan’s Adventures – “Changing Seasons” | 14. Apr, 2011 – Shutterfeet – “Storytelling” |
15. Apr, 2011 – 10 Times One – “Piousness” | 16. Apr, 2011 – Beached Eskimo – “Learning” |
17. May, 2011 – Travel Junkies – “Architecture” | 18. Jun, 2011 – Destination World – “Transportation” |
19. Jun, 2011 – Living the Dream – “Paradise” | 20. Jun, 2011 – Vagabond Quest – “Clothes” |
21. Jul, 2011 – The Unframed World – “Symmetry” | 22. Jul, 2011 – Beached Eskimo – “Home” |
23. Jul, 2011 – BackPackerBanter – “Inspiration” | 24. Aug, 2011 – WanderingTrader – “Darkness” |
25. Aug, 2011 – Finding the Universe – “Tranquillity” | 26. Sep, 2011 – Fearful Adventurer – “Food” |
27. Sep, 2011 – Adventures of a GoodMan – “City” | 28. Oct, 2011 – – “Reflections” |
29. Oct, 2011 – Scene With A Hart – ”Framing” | 30. Nov, 2011 – Vagabond Quest – “Silhouettes” |
31. Nov, 2011 – Hecktic Travels – “Music” | 32. Dec, 2011 – Globetrotter Girls – “Love” |
33. Jan, 2012– Man on the lam – “Humor” | 34. Jan, 2012 – My Walkabout – “Winter” |
35. Jan, 2012 – The Art of Slow Travel – “Blue” | 36. Feb, 2012 – Ten Times One – “Depth of Field” |
37. Feb – Runaway Juno – “My Digital Nomad Moment” | 38. Mar, 2012 – Nomadbiba – “Sunshine” |
39. Mar, 2012 – Travel With Kat – “Local Character” | 40. Apr, 2012 – The Travel Bunny – “Street Scene” |
41. Apr – Adventure Crow – “Spirit of the Country” | 42. May, 2012 – Food Travel Bliss – “Evening” |
43. May, 2012 – Matt Gibson – “Adventure” | 44. June, 2012– Flashpacker HQ – “Once In A Lifetime” |
45. July, 2012– Skinny Backpacker – “Surreal” | 46. August, 2012 – 2away – “Smile” |
47. Aug – Bridges & Balloons-“Splendour of the Universe” | 48. Sept, 2012 – The GypsyNester – “What the ?!” |
49. Oct, 2012 – Runaway Juno – “Sweet” | 50. Nov, 2012 – GQ Trippin – “Play” |
51. Dec, 2012 – Breakaway Backpacker – “Face” | 52. Jan, 2013 – Fly, Icarus, Fly – “Serendipity |
53. Feb – Travel Transmissions – “Lost in Thought” | 54. Feb, 2013 – Wanderlusters – “The Natural World” |
55. Mar, 2013 – Travel Junkies – “Patterns” | 56. April, 2013 – Living the Dream – “Your First Time” |
57. May – Getting Stamped – “As The Sun Goes Down” | 58. Jun – The GypsyNester -“Cheesy Tourist Diversions” |
60. June, 2013 – Boomeresque – “Revolution” | 61. July,2013 –Breakaway Backpacker – “Colorful” |
62. Aug, 2013 – Around This World– “Mountains” | 63. Aug – Passports & Pamplemousse – “Hands at Work” |
64. Sept, 2013: TurtlesTravel – “Dance” | 65. Sept, 2013: Keep calm and travel – “The sea” |
66. Sept, – Travel Photo Discovery – “The Market” | 67. Oct, – Am I Nearly There Yet? – “Travel Fails” |
68. Oct, – The GypsyNester – “Weird Regional Foods” | 69. Nov, – Sophie’s World – “Trees” |
70. Nov, – SHOuTography – “Party” | 71. Dec, – Adventures of a Goodman – “Ruin” |
72. Dec, – Have Blog Will Travel – “Light” |
Thank-you so much for entering (or just browsing) – Good luck!